Friday, October 1, 2010

Successful crit today!  Here are some pictures, crit notes to follow.

My wall

Axon of Machine 1 with lenses pulled out

Machine 1 with top closed (in the opposite direction of the drawing)

Machine 1 with top pulled back to allow light on the lenses

Drawing of Machine 2 - Left: representation of how the image changes going trough the machine - Right: Exploded axon of the machine (see below)

Zoom of axon of Machine 2

Machine 2

View through Machine 2

As far as notes from the crit go, most of the discussion was on Machine 1 and how it gave the viewer too many options.  This because the viewer can change the order of the lenses, how many lenses are in the machine at one time, the amount of light going into the machine, and what the machine is looking at.  A possible fix to this would be giving the machine a stand, like a tri-pod, that focused it only on the landscape.
Machine 2 was my favorite, although looking through it too much tends to give me a headache.  I'm not entirely pleased with my drawings for Machine 2 so I hope to fix that this weekend.

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