Monday, October 25, 2010

Pictoral Collage

Here are the pictures of my pictoral collage.  The pictoral collage is a further study of site analysis.  All the pictured used for this collage were taken from the trip to Harvard.

The main idea behind this is that there is a bar running diagonally from the bottom left corner to the top right corner which represents my long, linear site.  The stairs used to make this bar represent the rigidness of Harvard Yard (by the library) vs. the red pieces which show the chaos and organic-ness of the Carpenters Center.  Going out from the site are pathways connecting to other buildings on the site and eventually the trees in the top left and bottom right corners.  (If you click on the images they will get bigger.)

Whole collage on the wall

Whole collage

Detail of the Library

Detail of the Carpenters Center

Detail of the Weld Building

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