Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Draw-del" part un

So I started off today too abstract.  I was thinking about the relationship between my two end points and considering the organization of Harvard Yard vs. the chaos of the Carpenters Center.  My original draw-del idea was to show Harvard Yard as a woven pattern in the paper, and show the Carpenters Center by bending paper and using crumpled paper to show the chaos.  This however was too metaphoric.

So I looked at some examples of map draw-dels done in the past and realized that my map should actually look like a map... whoops.  I think I'm going in the right direction now, I have cut out the pathways and road to show motion through the site.  I have also cut out the site and lowered it.  Two of the buildings that are across from another pop out to show where the site squeezes and the buildings that define the site are shown by a cut out from an areal photograph.  Lastly, I put a straight wall in front of the Weld building and a bent wall in front of the Carpenters Center.

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